Why Join PFG





Why be inside when you can enjoy the outside (We do offer an indoor shooting range)



We don't charge extra for your spouse and your kids under the age of 21


Membership yearly dues includes Husband, Wife and Kids under the age of 21


There are no hidden fees



30 Plus reasons to join our Club:



Support a local non-profit club


100 Yards Rifle / Shotgun / Pistol Range


100, 75, 50 & 25 Yards Fixed Target Backers (Always Maintained)


Enclosed Canopy with Concrete Slab (Heated)


12 Solid Concrete Benches (the only way to properly sight in your firearms)


Portable Target Backers for any distance up to 100 yards


45 Yards Archery / Crossbow Range


Trap Shooting Range


15 Yards 6 Stations Renovated Indoor Heated Range (open 24/7)


25 Yards Indoor / Outdoor Handgun Steel Range (Heated)


25 Yards Defensive Pistol Range (One of a Kind)


Steel Targets at 100 Yards for Handguns / Rifle / Shotguns


Steel Targets for Handgunners at 50 Yards


Club House Access


Free Handgun Permit Course (Over 20,000 people attended our course)


Free Handgun Live Fire Lesson


Free Rifle / Shotgun Live Fire Lesson


Free NRA RSO Certification Course (For our members $200 Value)


Free DEC Hunters Safety Course (Bow & Gun)


22 Shoots


Handgun Steel Shoots


Monthly Dinner


No Mandatory Work Hours, No Commitments


No Mandatory requirement of certain amount of raffle tickets sale


Outdoor Range open from 9am to 9pm 7 Days a week


Indoor Range open 24 Hours 7 Days a Week


No time limit on the range


Spend the whole day shooting at the range


No ammo restrictions


No extra restrictions


Just Practice Safety



We have everything that a sportsman needs



Join Now






Even though we have an indoor range in the basement, we encourage all members to avoid using indoor range as much as they can.


Please shoot outside, we have a beautiful outdoor heated shooting range, open windows for fresh air


Studies have shown that a gunshot inside a building, will be louder than shooting outside, indoors there will be an echo. Gun shot will reflect sound, so instead of just hearing the gunshot itself, you will also hear the reverb of the gunshot.

Shooting Outdoor allows the shock wave from the shots to expand and dissipate the noise


Intensely loud noise as found in indoor shooting ranges is extremely hazardous to the health of anyone who trains, instructs, or is just a recreational shooter.

Hearing protection is not enough, even double protection. Exposure to intense sound fields, besides leading to hearing loss and tinnitus, impacts the whole body.It can also lead to several health issues.


While hearing protection covers the ears, the rest of the body, particularly the skeleton transmits the sound to the ear canal through bone conduction


We are not discouraging you, just stating the facts for the well being of our members.



Watch a video of what we have to offer. Click here



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